Affordable Kids Product Online Shopping India By Star of Baby

Friday, February 24, 2023


Proteins are the source to maintain health in our body. It is important to add protein to your diet but daily consumption of protein is much more needed during pregnancy to help pregnant women to grow and develop the fetus. Pregnant ladies need to know the benefits of including protein in their daily diet, with the quantity of protein that they are required to consume for a healthy pregnancy.


Each cell in our body has protein in it. Protein is needed to maintain and repair those cells. It is very important during pregnancy to maintain the normal growth and development of the baby. Not only this but protein also help in…

  • Promotes the growth and repairs new and damaged tissues
  • Produces antibodies for the immune system
  • helps to create hormones and enzymes
  • proper functioning of muscles
  • Move Oxygen through the blood
  • healthy birth weight in babies

During pregnancy, a high protein diet is important, especially during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy this is the time when the baby grows even faster. At this time, a pregnant woman’s organs, breasts, and body also grow. Enough quantity of protein help to facilitate these changes very well. 


Food sourceProtein content (per 100 grams)
Chicken breast without the skin32 g
Chicken eggs12.5 g
Salmon24.2 g
Mackerel20.8 g
Cheddar cheese25.4 g
Whole milk3.3 g
Semi-skimmed milk3.4 g
Cottage cheese12.5 g
Peanut butter23 g
Almonds21.1 g
Walnuts14.7 g
Chickpeas8.4 g
Red lentils7.6 g
Cooked beans7.5 g
Oats porridge12 g
Avocado10 g
Yoghurt10 g
Plain soy milk6 g
Roasted peanuts25 g
Tofu8 g
Wheat germ31 g
Quinoa13 g
Algae (Seaweed)1.7 g


1. Is it good to drink protein shakes during pregnancy? 

Ans. During pregnancy, if it is advised by the doctor it is okay to consume protein shakes. This will help pregnant women to get enough amount of protein during pregnancy.

 2. Why during pregnancy, women’s protein requirements increase? 

Ans. It is because the protein offers building blocks for the baby's cells during pregnancy. It also helps to grow skin, hair, fingernails, and muscles. 

3. How much protein does a woman require every day during pregnancy? 

Ans. They need an average of 71 grams of protein every day during pregnancy, It also depends on their weight, physical activity level, and trimester. 

4. How can women increase their protein during pregnancy? 

Ans. Include protein-rich food such as eggs, lean meat and cottage cheese in their diet to increase protein intake during pregnancy. 

5. What happens if you don't eat enough protein during pregnancy? 

Ans. Protein in fewer amounts during pregnancy may increase your child's risk later for developing diabetes, heart disease, obesity, or high blood pressure later in their life. Low protein can lead to low birth weights in your child. 

6. Is high protein bad during pregnancy? 

Ans. Always remember, anything in excess can harm you and so protein. It can increase the ammonia which can be harmful for the fetus. 


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